Prayer for Unborn Babies and their Mothers
Heavenly Father,
Who has given us the great gift of life,
bless and guide all pregnant women
that they might respect and cherish
the gift of life growing within them.
Help each mother to accept her child
as an irreplaceable gift from You.
Bless all babies yet unborn.
Watch over them as they grow and develop
in the embrace of their mothers’ wombs.
Form them and shape them
that they might be born healthy.
Grant that they might be welcomed at birth
with tender love and deep joy.
O most loving Triune God
I ask You on behalf of all unwanted babies
who will never be born;
Baptize them in your Blessed Triune Name
and with the tears of Our Lady of Sorrows.
Welcome them into your loving embrace
that they might find their home in You.
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